study English by oneself | English book review | The Lean Startup Lynn Startup | Eric Ries

The Lean Startup Lynn Start-up English Book Review @moon blogEric Lisu Publishing Insight, author of Lynn Startup, released November 12, 2012.The startup must manage the startup is managed by different ways.Traditional management is configured and configured by two components that are implemented.However, startup is different.I don’t know what you want to find your needs to know what you want to find your customers to find your needs to find your customers.The startup management must maintain their situation and effort to keep their situation and work toward the entire goal.Therefore, they must find appropriate metric to measure whether their journey is guided to the correct direction.The startup must manage the startup is managed by different ways.Traditional management is configured and configured by two components that are implemented.However, startup is different.I don’t know what you want to find your needs to know what you want to find your customers to find your needs to find your customers.The startup management must maintain their situation and effort to keep their situation and work toward the entire goal.Therefore, they must find appropriate metric to measure whether their journey is guided to the correct direction.Start-ups must be managed differently from existing companies. traditional management oversees the people who develop and implement plans It consists of two components. But startups are different. I can’t predict my future because there’s no past, I don’t know what customers want, and I don’t know what’s the best approach to finding customers or creating sustainable businesses. Startup executives should maintain an overview of their situation and try to help the company move toward its overall goals. Therefore, they need to find the correct measurement items to measure whether their journey is leading them in the right direction.Chapter 1The purpose of a start-up is to find a sustainable business model.The purpose of a startup is to find a sustainable business model. The mian goal of any strtup is to find a business model that is profitable and sustainable. In practice, this means finding out which priducts your potential customers want and how to turn hteri desires into constant revenues. The main responsibility of any stratup’s management should be to focus the ewhole company, inclusing everything being done on a day-to-day basis, on reaching this one main goal. The faster a startup finds its wy to a sustainable business model, the liklier it is to succeed.Chapter 1 The goal of startups is to find a sustainable business model.The goal of a startup is to find a sustainable business model. Every company’s goal is to find a profitable and sustainable business model. In fact, this means finding a way to turn a potential customer’s desire into continuous revenue, what a product they want. The primary responsibility of management at all levels is for the entire company to focus on achieving this single key goal, including everything that is done every day. The faster startups find sustainable business models, the more likely they are to succeed.Chapter 2Find your sustainable business model through validated learning. In order to find a sustainable business model, startups have to discover what their customers want and how to make money from it. They have to find the right product fro the right people and understand how to sell it to them. To begin the process of validated learning, you must come up with hypotheses about whether and how certain products will be successful in a given market. Instead talk to real customers in a realistic environment. The most reliable way to find out whether people will buy your product is to offer it to them and see how they respond. Ex. Let’s find a sustainable business model through learning verified in the story from Zappos Chapter 2.In order to find a sustainable business model, startups need to find out what customers want and how they can generate profits through it. They need to figure out how to find the right products for the right people and sell them to them. To initiate a validated learning process, you must hypothesize whether and how a particular product will succeed in a particular market. Instead, talk to real customers in a realistic environment. The most reliable way to know if people buy your product is to provide it and see how it reacts.예시. Zappos의 이야기Chapter 3The leap-of -faith assumptions: test your value and growth hypotheses. Test your value and growth hypotheses. Part of developing a product is the leap of faith. To quickly close the gap between believing and knowing, every founder should formulate and test two fundamental assumptions. Ex, the story from Facebook Chapter 3. Assumptions of leap of faith: Let’s test the value and growth hypothesis.Test your value and growth hypothesis. Part of product development is a leap in trust. To quickly narrow the gap between belief and knowledge, every founder must formulate and test two basic assumptions.예, Facebook의 이야기Chapter 4Develop a minial viable product to test your idea in the market. Many founders spend too much time working on a product in isolation, without knowing wheteher there are actually any real customers for the product. If you wantStart-ups must be managed differently from existing companies. traditional management oversees the people who develop and implement plans It consists of two components. But startups are different. I can’t predict my future because there’s no past, I don’t know what customers want, and I don’t know what’s the best approach to finding customers or creating sustainable businesses. Startup executives should maintain an overview of their situation and try to help the company move toward its overall goals. Therefore, they need to find the correct measurement items to measure whether their journey is leading them in the right direction.Chapter 1The purpose of a start-up is to find a sustainable business model.The purpose of a startup is to find a sustainable business model. The mian goal of any strtup is to find a business model that is profitable and sustainable. In practice, this means finding out which priducts your potential customers want and how to turn hteri desires into constant revenues. The main responsibility of any stratup’s management should be to focus the ewhole company, inclusing everything being done on a day-to-day basis, on reaching this one main goal. The faster a startup finds its wy to a sustainable business model, the liklier it is to succeed.Chapter 1 The goal of startups is to find a sustainable business model.The goal of a startup is to find a sustainable business model. Every company’s goal is to find a profitable and sustainable business model. In fact, this means finding a way to turn a potential customer’s desire into continuous revenue, what a product they want. The primary responsibility of management at all levels is for the entire company to focus on achieving this single key goal, including everything that is done every day. The faster startups find sustainable business models, the more likely they are to succeed.Chapter 2Find your sustainable business model through validated learning. In order to find a sustainable business model, startups have to discover what their customers want and how to make money from it. They have to find the right product fro the right people and understand how to sell it to them. To begin the process of validated learning, you must come up with hypotheses about whether and how certain products will be successful in a given market. Instead talk to real customers in a realistic environment. The most reliable way to find out whether people will buy your product is to offer it to them and see how they respond. Ex. Let’s find a sustainable business model through learning verified in the story from Zappos Chapter 2.In order to find a sustainable business model, startups need to find out what customers want and how they can generate profits through it. They need to figure out how to find the right products for the right people and sell them to them. To initiate a validated learning process, you must hypothesize whether and how a particular product will succeed in a particular market. Instead, talk to real customers in a realistic environment. The most reliable way to know if people buy your product is to provide it and see how it reacts.예시. Zappos의 이야기Chapter 3The leap-of -faith assumptions: test your value and growth hypotheses. Test your value and growth hypotheses. Part of developing a product is the leap of faith. To quickly close the gap between believing and knowing, every founder should formulate and test two fundamental assumptions. Ex, the story from Facebook Chapter 3. Assumptions of leap of faith: Let’s test the value and growth hypothesis.Test your value and growth hypothesis. Part of product development is a leap in trust. To quickly narrow the gap between belief and knowledge, every founder must formulate and test two basic assumptions.예, Facebook의 이야기Chapter 4Develop a minial viable product to test your idea in the market. Many founders spend too much time working on a product in isolation, without knowing wheteher there are actually any real customers for the product. If you wantCHAPTER V BUILD, MEASURE AND LEARN – AS FAST AND AS FREQUENTLY AS POSSIBLE. Learning is a top priority in seeking a sustainable business model. Every startup has to learn what products to make and how to make money. This can’t happen when you’re away from the real world. You need to go outside, show the product to the customer, gather customer feedback, and start building. By collecting quantitative data from this experiment, you can use it to build a product. For example, how many people clicked on the purchase button and tried to buy shoes from your fake web shop? When measuring, try not only to look at the numbers, but also to speak to the customer. The more loops you can go through, the more likely you are to find a sustainable business model. 제5장최대한 빠르고 자주 구축하고, 측정하고, 학습하세요.지속 가능한 비즈니스 모델을 찾는 데 있어 최우선 순위는 학습입니다. 모든 스타트업은 어떤 제품을 만들고, 그 제품으로 어떻게 돈을 벌 수 있는지 배워야 합니다。 현실 세계와 접촉하지 않으면 이런 일이 일어날 수 없습니다. 나가서 고객에게 제품을 보여주고 피드백을 수집한 다음 구축을 시작해야 합니다. 이 실험에서 정량적 데이터를 수집하면 이를 사용하여 제품을 만들 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 구매 버튼을 클릭하고 가짜 웹 상점에서 신발을 구매하려고 시도한 사람은 몇 명입니까? 측정할 때 숫자만 보지 말고 고객과도 대화하세요. 더 많은 루프를 통과할수록 지속 가능한 비즈니스 모델을 찾을 가능성이 높아집니다.Chapter 6 Use split tests to optimize the product. When developing and improving products, startups should distinguish between value and waste. Valuable features help companies attract more customers and make more money. If you are considering adding features or modifying existing features, create two versions: one that uses the new feature and the other that you do not. By testing both versions, you can quickly see which one is more attractive to you. 제6장분할 테스트를 사용하여 제품을 최적화하세요.스타트업은 제품을 개발하고 개선할 때 가치와 낭비를 구별해야 합니다。 가치 있는 기능은 회사가 더 많은 고객을 유치하거나 수익을 늘리는 데 도움이 되는 기능입니다. 기능을 추가하거나 기존 기능을 변경하는 것을 고려할 때마다 새 기능이 포함된 제품과 없는 제품의 두 가지 버전을 만드십시오. 두 버전을 모두 테스트하면 어느 버전이 고객에게 더 매력적인지 곧 알게 될 것입니다.CHAPTER VII Finding the right business model for your company usually requires pivoting. Many startups believe in the popular myth that patience and iron will are the key to establishing a successful company. The heroic founders have great ideas and fight through many setbacks until the idea is ultimately a hit. Because it can be difficult to determine a pivot, startups often avoid and postpone this decision. This is why holding a pivot meeting once a month is beneficial. 제7장귀하의 회사에 적합한 비즈니스 모델을 찾으려면 일반적으로 전환해야 합니다.많은 스타트업은 성공적인 회사를 창립하는 열쇠는 인내와 확고한 의지라는 통념을 믿습니다. 영웅적인 창업자는 훌륭한 아이디어를 가지고 있으며 그 아이디어가 마침내 성공할 때까지 많은 어려움을 겪습니다. 전환을 결정하는 것은 어려울 수 있으므로 스타트업은 종종 이 결정을 회피하고 연기합니다. 그렇기 때문에 한 달에 한 번씩 피봇 회의를 갖는 것이 유익할 수 있습니다.CHAPTER VIII All startups should initially focus on one growth engine. A fundamental part of the business model is the growth engine that keeps your business from stagnating. There are three different types of growth engines. stickiness The engine works by maintaining existing customers who are already generating a certain amount of revenue. be not focused on attracting new customers

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